Are You Your Finances' Worst Enemy?

Has this ever happened to you? You receive your paycheck. Then, you deposit it. Next, you pay your bills. Finally, you see how much money you have left and think, “That should be enough!” A week goes by, and all of sudden, you’re broke. Where did all your leftover money go? The answer might surprise you!

Where, Oh, Where Did All My Money Go?

For some of us, it seems our money disappears faster than a pair of socks in the dryer. But why? Truth be told, the fault may be all our own. Many times our money goes to places we don’t realize—but not anymore! Now’s the time to take back control and get rid of those ghosts once and for all that are taking your money without you knowing it.

Remember a long time ago when you signed up for that magazine or other subscription? Do you remember ever cancelling it? Chances are, when you signed up, you were placed on automatic renewal. Therefore, each year, the fees keeping coming and coming, sometimes higher than what they were when you first signed up. Go through your recent statements, and see if any renewals are on there. You might be surprised that you’ve been paying for something you didn’t even know you had!

When it comes to coffee, have you been making it at home or work? Or have you been stopping by your local coffee shop for that $7 cup of joe? While it may be more convenient to enjoy that coffee each and every morning on the way to work, did you know that by going to a coffee shop instead of making it at home, you could be spending more than $100 a month on coffee? Keep track this month of how much you spend on coffee and try to start making your morning cup at home or at work to save!

Oh, the dreaded gym memberships. Most of us have been there, but if you’re currently there, now’s the time to stop! Quit spending money on a monthly gym membership you aren’t even using. You might as well be throwing your money in the dryer, along with those missing socks that you will never see again. And no matter how much money you have, no one should be throwing away money. So either start going to the gym, or cancel your membership today!

*Tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Check out our website at to learn how you can get one step closer to financial freedom, starting today!*