Let’s Talk “Summer” With Spring Savings | Jefferson Credit Union

You want to take a vacation this summer, and at Jefferson Credit Union, we want to help you get there with these money-saving tips.

Summer Will Be Here Before You Know It

While it might seem crazy to be having a discussion about summer vacation right now, it’s actually the financially smart thing to do. Being financially free is all about preparation. Why stress yourself out during June trying to find out how to pay for a July vacation when you can start saving now and have more months of savings behind you for your trip?

If you’re like most people, if you see your money, you will spend it. It’s human nature. Therefore, start automatically funneling a percentage or a certain amount of your paycheck into savings. That way you’re not able to see or touch the money without jumping through obstacles first, giving you time to realize you don’t want to go that route.

Also, don’t discount that change you have lying around your house and in your vehicle. Start collecting all the change you see—and save, save, save! It adds up more than you realize.

Jefferson Credit Union wants to help you save for the vacation of your dreams. Visit our website for savings tips and more!